In the artist lab “ZUSAMMENFINDEN” Felizitas Stilleke and Philine Rinnert gathered eleven artists from different cities, disciplines and perspectives for five days to work together on the concept of a ‘Flying Kulturzentrum’.
This coming together and the rituals and practices found generated a ‘How to’ guidance that the lab would like every existing or yet-to-be-formed cultural and art institution to adopt. It goes like this:
1. Give your ‘Flying Kulturzentrum’ a name. Change the name immediately over and over again.
2. Gather ten artists who are artistically close to yo.
3. Get 20 bamboo sticks, 4 square meters of cotton fabric, 50k euro, some rubber string and clothespins.
4. Build a flying structure, transform it infinitely, deconstruct it daily.
5. Define the center and explore the periphery.
6. Take a lunch break together with the team every day (government pays).
7. Open the ‘Flying Kulturzentrum’ for a few hours every day and see what happens.
8. Ask questions that you cannot answer.
9. Practice “deep hanging”.
10. Celebrate every conflict.
11-100. Abolish all manifestations every day and dissolve everything (including yourself).
A project by Philine Rinnert and Felizitas Stilleke,
05. – 09. September 2023, different places in the public space of Berlin
production: Alena Kolbach
Trailer: Alena Kolbach and Rosa Thoneick
Alena Kolbach, Cian McConn, Conrad Rodenberg, Doris Dziersk, Esther Struck, Felizitas Stilleke, Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs, Nadja Duesterberg, Philine Rinnert, Qiaochu Gio, Rosa Thoneick, Sichi Li & Thais Di Marco
Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste, Bundesweite Artist Labs 2023