In May 1978, the Otrag 2 takes off from a launch platform in South East Congo. The rocket is the linchpin of a coup of African space travel planned by a German company that administrates the testing ground like a colonial power. However, 30 metres into the air the big dream is history. Or is it?
In the new work by Philine Rinnert, Gerhild Steinbuch and Sebastian Straub, competition for who gets to rule over the story mingles with its actual base elements, discovery and conquer. Following Joseph Conrad ́s footsteps the performance develops a mind-map displaying contemporary strategies of conquest: How can we talk about pioneering spirit and colonization nowadays? Does the story take place in the Kongo or rather in space, the only blank spot left on any map? And what connects these different stories? The game proceeds to become a journey into the dark hearts of the performers exploring its own blind spots – and probably retelling their story in a new way.
Created by and featuring: Philine Rinnert, Gerhild Steinbuch, Sebastian Straub and Christoph Bernewitz (music)
Assistent: Pia Derler, Production: Bettina Mitter
A co-production of Freundliche Mitte and brut Wien. With the kind support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs, the City of Graz ́s Department of Cultural Affairs and Uni-T Graz.